
Remediation Services

We offer expert remedy enhancement services for complex sites.  Our goal is to improve remedial effectiveness and reduce overall costs while sustaining remedy protectiveness.  At some sites this may result in the refinement of an existing remedy.  At other sites this may involve successfully negotiating the transition from active source treatment to a more passive alternative.

We offer a fresh and objective perspective to challenging remediation problems.  We are known for our expertise and our ability to work closely with project consultants and regulators.  Our streamlined approach is simple – we use specialized visualization and modeling tools to review the CSM and to optimize a site remedy.  Deliverables include state-of-the-art visual aids, model results, and expert services to assist with regulatory negotiations.

We have put together an internationally-recognized team of experts in geology, hydrogeology, NAPL characterization, site remediation, and risk assessment.  Expert services may include:

  • CSM review including geology, hydrogeology, NAPL source zone extent and architecture, and rates of source depletion or chemical degradation
  • Documenting supporting lines of evidence for MNA
  • Mass flux / mass discharge analysis for source prioritization, and to facilitate the prediction of risk reduction and remediation timeframe
  • Modeling the influence of back-diffusion on the attainability of remedial goals and remediation timeframe
  • Development of interim remedial goals to facilitate the transition from active to passive source management
  • Enhanced operation and maintenance of an existing remedy
  • Cost-risk-benefit optimization
  • Long-term monitoring optimization
  • Assistance with regulatory negotiations during the remedy transition

Please contact Dr. Grant Carey if you would like more information about how we can help to improve remedial effectiveness at your site.



Porewater Solutions, 2958 Barlow Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K0A 1T0
e-mail: • phone: 613-832-1737

© 2006-2025 Porewater Solutions