
Mining Services

Porewater Solutions has extensive expertise and experience in modeling dewatering operations at open pits and underground mine workings. We use a systematic approach that integrates detailed conceptual site models with the construction of representative numerical models covering up to hundreds of square miles. Properly representing groundwater-surface water interactions is critical when evaluating the hydrogeology of a mining operation. Our approach helps to attain approval for necessary permits, and to ensure the reliability of Life of Mine predictions.

Our integrated approach to constructing a technically sound dewatering model includes the following methods:

  • Detailed topographic DEM which is used to extract representative lake, stream, and river stage elevations
  • Construction of representative surface water boundaries over one or more watersheds
  • Use of visualization software to extract elevations from 3-D mine drawings for incorporating open pits and underground workings into numerical models
  • Series of proprietary software tools which save time and cost when constructing sophisticated groundwater models, and that provide a strong advantage when interfaced with commercial modeling software




Porewater Solutions, 2958 Barlow Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K0A 1T0
e-mail: • phone: 613-832-1737

© 2006-2025 Porewater Solutions