


BioRedox-MT3D v1 is a 3-D reactive transport model which was developed by Grant Carey of Porewater Solutions, with support from Dr. Paul Van Geel (Carleton University) and J. Richard Murphy (Conestoga-Rovers & Associates or CRA), and was developed with partial funding provided by CRA. 

BioRedox-MT3D provides a flexible reaction framework which allows for optional simulation of coupled oxidation-reduction reactions (e.g. electron donors and electron acceptors), sequential reductive dehalogenation or radionuclide decay, cometabolic degradation, and substrate-dependent or inhibitor-dependent reaction rates.

BioRedox-MT3D also uses a unique visualization system which facilitates plotting redox zones and contaminant of concern concentrations on a single figure.

BioRedox-MT3D v1 is a public domain model and may be freely copied or re-distributed.  Source code, User manuals, and example simulations are available below for download.

Users Guide
Verification Manual
Tutorial Manual
Executables and source codes


Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1999, Application of a Biodegradation‑Redox Model for Predicting Bioremediation Performance, in P. Baveye, J.C. Block, and V.V. Goncharuk, (Eds.), Bioavailability of Organic Xenobiotics in the Environment: Practical Consequences for the Environment, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 73‑77.

Schreiber, M., D. Feinstein, G.R. Carey and J. Bahr, 2003, Physical and Chemical Mechanisms Causing Overlap of Redox Byproducts: Implications for Simulating Anaerobic Biodegradation, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.

Carey, G.R., 2006 Plattsburgh Mass Balance Modeling Case Study, invited to submit to Savannah River National Laboratory, 2006.


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