ISR Model™ Publications

ISR Model™ and BioRedox-MT3DMS – Publications

Books and Guidance Manuals Citing BioRedox-MT3DMS

Rifai, H.S., R.C. Borden, C.J. Newell, and P.B. Bedient, 2010. Modeling Remediation of Chlorinated Solvent Plumes. In: Stroo, H.F. and C.H. Ward, Eds. In Situ Remediation of Chlorinated Solvent Plumes. Springer, New York. P. 168-169.

Interstate Regulatory Technology Council (ITRC), 2007, In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethene DNAPL Source Zones: Case Studies, ITRC, Washington, D.C.

Other Publications and Short Courses

Carey, G.R., S.W. Chapman, B.L. Parker, and R. McGregor, 2015, Application of an Adapted Version of MT3DMS for Modeling Back-Diffusion Remediation Timeframes, Remediation Journal, Autumn 2015, p. 55-79.

Carey, G.R., 2015, Using In-Situ Remediation (ISR-MT3DMS) to Model Back-Diffusion Timeframe for Thin Silts and Clays, presented at the 30th Biennial Groundwater Conference, Sacremento, California, October 6-7, 2015.

Carey, G.R., 2015, ISR-MT3DMS for Modeling Back-Diffusion Timeframe, accepted as platform presentation at Cleanup 2015 Conference, organized by CRC Care, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015 (invited presentation).

Carey, G.R., 2015, ISR-MT3DMS for Modeling Back-Diffusion Timeframe, presented at REMTEC Summit, Westminster, Colorado, March 3, 2015.

Carey, G.R., J. Vaillancourt, M.G. Mateyk,  and J. Maude, 2006, Case Study Feasibility Study for an In Situ Oxygen Curtain, presented at the Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California, May 22-25, 2006.

Schreiber, M., G.R., D. Feinstein, Carey and J. Bahr, 2004, Mechanisms of Electron Acceptor Utilization, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 73(1-4), p. 99-127.

Carey, G.R., D. Major, D. Verret, and M. Roworth, 2003, Visualization and Modeling of Bioaugmentation at Kelly Air Force Base, presentation at the Seventh International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Orlando, Florida, June 2-5, 2003.

Carey, G.R and M. Roworth, 2003, Evaluating Remediation Timeframe for Combined Source Containment-MNA Remedies, presentation at the Seventh International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Orlando, Florida, June 2-5, 2003.

Carey, G.R., M. Barden, S. Harris, 2000, 3‑day short course “Advanced Ground Water Modeling Techniques for Evaluating Performance of Natural Attenuation and Enhanced Bioremediation: A computer workshop using the three‑dimensional BioRedox model”, organized by the National Ground Water Association and offered in September 2000 (Toronto, Ontario).

Carey, G.R., M. Barden, S. Harris, 2000, 3‑day short course “Advanced Ground Water Modeling Techniques for Evaluating Performance of Natural Attenuation and Enhanced Bioremediation: A computer workshop using the three‑dimensional BioRedox model”, organized by the National Ground Water Association and offered in February 2000 (Albuquerque, New Mexico).

Carey, G.R. and P.J. Van Geel, 2000, Calibration of a Leachate Natural Attenuation Model for the Vejen Landfill (Denmark), in Proceedings of the Groundwater 2000 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2000.

Van Geel, P.J., K. Britton, and G.R. Carey, 1999, Impact of Biodegradation Rates on the Redox Zones Generated below Landfills, Proceedings of the 52nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 24‑27, 1999.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, J.R. Murphy, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1999, Modeling Natural Attenuation at Plattsburgh Air Force Base, Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on In Situ and On‑Site Bioremediation, San Diego, California, April 19‑22, 1999.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, and J.R. Murphy, 1999, BioRedox‑MT3DMS: A Coupled Biodegradation‑Redox Model for Simulating Natural and Enhanced Bioremediation of Organic Pollutants – V2.0 User's Guide, Conestoga‑Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, and J.R. Murphy, 1999, BioRedox‑MT3DMS: A Coupled Biodegradation‑Redox Model for Simulating Natural and Enhanced Bioremediation of Organic Pollutants – V2.0 Verification Manual, Conestoga‑Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Carey, G.R., 1999, BioRedox‑MT3DMS Tutorial Guide: Modeling Natural Attenuation at the Plattsburgh Air Force Base, Conestoga‑Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, J.R. Murphy, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1998, Full‑Scale Field Application of a Coupled Biodegradation‑Redox Model (BioRedox), in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California, May 18‑21, 1998.

P.J. Van Geel, G.R. Carey, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1998, An Integrated Landfill Modeling System (ILMS) for Evaluating Remediation Alternatives, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California, May 18‑21, 1998.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, J.R. Murphy, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1998, Coupled Biodegradation‑Redox Modeling to Simulate Natural Attenuation Processes at the Plattsburgh Air Force Base (New York), in Proceedings of MODFLOW'98, Golden, Colorado, October 5‑7, 1998.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, J.R. Murphy, and E.A. McBean, 1998, An Efficient Screening Approach for Modeling Natural Attenuation, in Proceedings of MODFLOW'98, Golden, Colorado, October 6‑8, 1998.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, E.A. McBean, and F.A. Rovers, 1997, An Innovative Modeling and Visualization Approach for Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Natural Attenuation, presented at the IBC Natural Attenuation '97 Conference, December 8‑10, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, E.A. McBean, F.A. Rovers, and G.T. Turchan, 1997, Modeling Landfill Cap Influence on Natural Attenuation, in Sardinia'97,  Proceedings of the Sixth International Landfill Symposium, October 13‑17, Cagliari, Italy.

Carey, G.R., P.J. Van Geel, E.A. McBean, F.A. Rovers, 1997, Effect of Landfill Cap Permeability on the Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents Below a Landfill, in 1997 Canadian Geotechnical Conference Proceedings, October 20‑22, Ottawa, Ontario.




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