BioRate Models

BioRate Models is a collection of inverse analytical models which may be used to estimate degradation rates based on an observed concentration decrease, using 1-D, 2-D, and/or 3-D dispersion.  BioRate Models were developed by Grant Carey of Porewater Solutions.

Degradation rates are calculated using these analytical solutions based on the assumption that sorbed phase biodegradation is negligible.

BioRate Models offer an improvement over the BIOSCREEN model for rate calibration, given BIOSCREEN assumes that biodegradation in the sorbed and aqueous phases occurs at the same rate.

The BioRate Models were featured in a web seminar entitled:  Avoiding Common Mistakes When Estimating First-Order Biodegradation Rates, which was featured by the Environmental Institute for Continuing Education (EICE) in 2001.



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